Gone long enough for home to feel foreign and familiar at the same time

Long enough to lose my rhythm,

Experience a completely new one.

When the space you created

Was with you anywhere you existed.

Being with what the experience is giving us.

Adaptation with known impermanence

Savor every unique sliver of those moments.

Your home is where you create it, but it starts

In your inner self.

Even your home can become foreign the longer you exist away from it,

Familiarity caught within all the things that have shifted for me.

Every corner reveals potentiality.

New visions are coming to me, ideas that must be written.


This is a place you create.

An empty canvas to slouch paint all over.

You build your shelter and continuously invent it.

You are the creator of your life.

Like a glimmer on a crystal rock,

Light brings out the sparkles from

Infinite angles.

© Victoria Venturella, MA, The Existentialist, Existential Dialogues




























#relationshipwithself #communication #transcendence

#futureself #infinitepossibilities


Even dogs leave us too soon

It doesn’t feel good to feel your heart hurting.

You give yourself to the universe knowing your heart will be broken over and over again. To experience the full breadth of love.

Even dogs leave us too soon.

A life without letting yourself feel fully doesn’t feel any better.

If you proceed into whatever will be without holding back, you may experience something that it is significantly different than the rest.

Where the potency of its knowing, seeing, hearing, being with, enlivens you.

The power of the future not yet.

What if the best experiences of your life are still not yet lived?

It might hit you one day. Out of nowhere.

You are in the living room tying your shoes.

You hear them coming closer, their bare feet across the cherry wood hall.

Dancing in silence, as if your favorite song was on, their scent lingers.

Enamored, in awe, you acknowledge this is the human you built this all with.

People arrive and you have no idea when they will be here.

What are you waiting for?

Go on, lean in.

Why are you saving to feel this later?

You may outlive your dog but what if you never felt that much love?

It is better to have felt the full breadth of love then to protect yourself from feeling heart break?

There will always be tragedy in life. Live your life vibrantly.

Knowing what it feels like to love something this much, mirrors the beauty in living.

How could you experience the fullness of what love has to offer if you only bring a part of you in?

What does going all in look like for you?

What are you afraid of happening if you let yourself love them fully?

How long do we teeter on the edge of something that offers us much more?

If you believe the mystery ahead is special, it will be.





© Victoria Venturella, Existential Dialogues, The Existentialist






















#relationshipwithself #communication #transcendence

#futureself #infinitepossibilities


Victoria Venturella, MA, Existential Phenomenological Psychotherapist, LMHCA

Even dogs leave us too soon..jpg

How far do you expand thought?

When you think a thought does it stop right there?


Do you stretch it to every corner of the world?


Do you take it inward and sit with it real deep?


Do you blurt it out letting it fall into the room?


How far does your curiosity guide you?


Are you willing to unravel where this thought came from?


How many experiences merge for you to conjure such an interpretation?


What do you do when something you are thinking doesn’t make sense?


What thoughts do you choose not to entertain?


When do you let a thought go on purpose?


Where does it go when it feels like it evaporates?


What do you consciously do with thoughts that continually resurface?


Do you sound out your feelings on paper?


What do you do with all the images you imagine? Do you ever imagine painting them?


Sketching them out blanketly in the sky above the sea, lost in thought staring lightly blue.


What do you do with the thoughts you zone out deeply thinking about?


How far do those thoughts expand when you forgot everything else mattered?


What does it feel like to think in silence?


How many instruments do you hear in this song?


Have you ever considered how many things influenced one thought? Chain of thoughts? Perpetual thoughts?


What do you do when you realize something you do comes from your Mother? Father? Caregiver? Mentor? Partner? Friend? How many thoughts become attached to that?


Have you ever examined what you tell yourself and ponder where it comes from?


Those questions that flood our psyche.


Have you ever considered what led you to such a passion? Where is this energy stored?


What do you do with creative juices felt in abundance?


How many branches hold a potential possibility in this imaginative thinking tree?


How many thoughts get lost in your shower?


What about the last one before you sleep?


What about the thoughts that pertain to why we are even here?

What do you think it means to be free?


To be free we must all be free.



Have you ever challenged yourself to find your own answer?



Do you hinder your best-self due to the perception of the other?



How important is it to you to form your own opinion?


Caption- [How far do you expand thought?]































Can you attempt to exist within the shoes of the other?





















#relationshipwithself #communication #transcendence

#futureself #infinitepossibilities


Victoria Venturella, MA, Existential Phenomenological Psychotherapist, LMHCA



© Victoria Venturella, Existential Dialogues, The Existentialist

“To perceive is suddenly to commit to an entire future of experiences in a present that never, strictly speaking, guarantees that future; to perceive is to believe in a world. It is this opening to a world that makes perceptual truth possible, or the actual realization of a Wahr-Nehmung, and permits us “to cross out” the preceding illusion, to hold it to be null and void. . .I was conscious of seeing a shadow and now I am conscious of having only seen a fly. My belonging to the world allows me to compensate for the fluctuations of the cogito, to displace one cogito in favor of another, and to meet up with the truth of my thought beyond its appearance (p.311).
— Merleau-Ponty, The Phenomenology of Perception

Do not regret what you have done: Existence precedes essence

Every experience you have lived thus far contributes to the human being you are today. If you had the power to change your previously lived experiences, it would change who you have come to be and potentially the trajectory of how you have lived your life. You may not have been driven to study the things you have, your interests may have been different, you may not have found yourself in the specific relationships you have encountered. You may not know your children as they are, maybe you did not have children. Your personality and the way you relate to the world would no longer exist as you currently experience it.

You are born into a world that is not of your choosing. You cannot decide who your parents are, where you grow up geographically, what your name is, how you will be educated, what kinds of interactions you will observe, how you will be punished or treated, if you will be respected, protected, and loved. As a child you cannot choose to forego abuse, neglect, and any other traumatic experiences. These experiences shape how you interact with the world and become the backdrop you unconsciously and consciously pull from when making sense of the present situation across a lifetime. In fact, it is highly likely that you will grow up to believe the way you were treated is how one is to be treated. Until one day your awareness shifts in your cognitive maturation, when you witness opposition in the way others respond to you and world. Holding yourself in contempt for the choices made before and after your cognitive faculties fully develop prevents you from embracing your whole self in its truest form in each present moment. You cannot separate yourself from who you have come to be. You can only move forward.

When we move into adulthood, we become the agent of our lives. Your choices are now only yours to make. These choices are grounded in the understandings of what you have come to know up until this point. It is up to you to utilize the resources within the world to discover what is known beyond you.

Whenever you are making a choice, pay attention to what is present within you. That internal voice is your authentic internal dialogue. Let yourself engage with the back-and-forth movement of thought. When you make choices that align with your moral compass and you choose choices that are authentically sound, you will never regret the life you have chosen to live. If you could stand behind the choices you make completely for where you are in this moment of time when the choices were made, then how could you regret the choices you have made if you honor your present and past self with compassion?

To love yourself completely you must love everything you have been through. Even the things that cause you to feel embarrassed or shameful. You will forever depart from yourself. If you depart from a place of love and compassion you will paint your external landscape in similar hues of wonder.

Author: Victoria Venturella, Existential Phenomenological Psychotherapist

© Victoria Venturella, Existential Dialogues, The Existentialist